The biggest challenge of implementing digital branding solutions and providing digital branding support for Nike accounts lies not only in the hallmark brand standards and continuous innovation demand, but also in the operating environment itself. On one side, there was an innate complexity of global organization implementing a global brand as a marketing strategy. This meant all campaign creative directions were distributed from and reported to a Global HQ in Portland. This of course, in such large organization meant multiple upstream and downstream communication flows, alignments across teams distributed across time zones, all in highly fast paced environment characteristic for a global product launch. Scope and size of product portfolio and number of categories shaped a hyper-dynamic launch schedule that knows no pause or off-season.
On the other side, diversity of network meant that partners were on differing level of digital development and had different size of both marketing and IT teams responsible for day-to-day management of client campaigns. Operationally this diverse partner network meant production specs diversity as every partner had a different website and different branding positions that were available for brands to use, unlike for example advertising standardized spaces. Moreover, not all partners participated in every campaign as buy-ins of products / colorways differed greatly to avoid competition/cannibalization which meant that for every campaign we had to liaise with country account manager to confirm the buy in / activation participation.
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